Empower and improve the lives of Syrian women and girls through the provision of integrated Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Reproductive Health (RH) services in Northwest Syria.

Over more than the past four years, Amal has provided WGSS in Kefr Takharim specialized protection services for women and adolescents at risk and for GBV survivors (GBV case management, referral services, structured PSS, empowerment vocational training). Moreover, it is non-specialized, like awareness raising and recreational activities. in addition to general protection services targeting women, girls, and children in need of protection services from the IDPs and the host community. Since 2018, Amal has reached more than 17080 BNFs in Kafr Takharim area and built a solid and integrated female team with experience providing specialized and non-specialized protection services. Amal has achieved remarkable success stories in the location. In total, Amal has more than 38 documented success stories. From December 2021, till May 2023, the WGSS, run by Amal Organization in Kafr Takharim, has provided prevention and response GBV services to 1855 women, 793 girls, and 320 children.

Project Code





Syria / Idleb – Harem – Kafr Takharim

Project Date

Start date: 01-01-2023
End date:   30-06-2023